As Above So Below
As Above So Below
“We are born at a given moment, in a given place and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season in which we are born.”
~ Carl Jung
As Above So Below
An experimental introduction to your astrological chart
Join us for a three month immersion into what makes ‘You Uniquely You.’ Using your Astrological chart and the four elements of Fire, Earth, Air and Water we explore your Sun (purpose), Moon (inner needs) and Ascendant (personality). We use image, music, story and visualizations, in addition to simplified astrological teachings, to anchor a lasting and tangible understanding of these three pillars in your natal chart. You will create a quality hand-made art project that gives visual voice to your experience.
This class begins in March of each year and runs once a week (3 hour classes) for 12 weeks. Please contact me if you have interest in joining.

“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.”
~ Aristotle
This class is designed to educate, mentor and support young girls in our community who are Coming of Age. During this class series we explore female physiology, anatomy, hormones, body image, menstruation and the emotional body. This is done in a safe and nurturing environment and is taught largely through drawing, painting, handwork and dramatization. The girls leave with a handmade book filled with creative visuals and written testaments of the class content. The series culminates with a ritual including mothers to honor the girl's journey.
Age Range: Girls between ages of 11-13
Six Classes May 2024
Location: Ala Palamea Creative Arts Studio, Kapahi,
Specific location given upon enrollment
~ Please reach out to me if you are curious about this offering.
We currently run it when there is an interested group.
Kim Murriera, Waldorf Teacher, Creative Arts Therapist
Amy Hutson, MD - Emergency Medicine physician, Gyrotonic and Franklin Method movement educator